Hot, Cold, & Steam Pressure Washers
Your best bet for choosing the type of pressure washer to meet your needs, is to come into our shop and have one of our experienced employees help you decide what’s best for your line of work. Here’s something to think about on your way here: are you washing away oils or grease? Anytime oils or grease are involved—such as with foods or large flat surfaces—you should be using a hot water pressure washer.

When mixed with a detergent, any pressure washer will become more efficient on whatever surface you’re cleaning. While nothing is going to beat the combination of hot water and detergent you can still achieve enormous cleaning power from cold water when mixing in detergents. Our detergents act as surfactants, breaking up hydrophobic oils and grease particles, and allowing them to be lifted from the surface you’re cleaning. Essentially, detergents make water wetter and more effective.